A night at the Ocean Film Festival in Edinburgh

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I still have goosebumps about it. The 2 hours I spent at the Edinburgh Festival Theater for the only date in Scotland of the UK tour of the Ocean Film Festival were emotional for an ocean lover like me. So I had to write about it, even if it’s quite different from what I normally post on my diving blog.

My expectations were to take some quality inspiration for my underwater videography work. What happened was a bit different. I took a couple of interesting ideas from each movie’s filming style, but I mainly got absorbed by incredible people’s stories. Their stories are about their love and care for the ocean, but also about how the ocean can teach us to go beyond established limits.

I felt it myself every time I am underwater. It is true that by being immersed in water, the connection with this fragile but powerful ecosystem is stronger. The call to the ocean can be so strong that it pushed Ramon from Chile (The fisherman’s son), Bruno (Devocean) and Hanli (Oceanminded) from South Africa and Quincy, only 6 years old, from Australia (A small surfer), to go beyond most people believe as impossible. Each movie shows how the ocean can be liberating.

The story of Ulf from Norway (The Fox of Bloody Women Island) had the entire theatre to smile and laugh with his contagious joy of life. He finds happiness in simple things nature provides.

Finally, Arctic Swell, showing the work of the adventure photographer Chris Burken, reminded me of the reason I still love going diving in places like Patagonia or Iceland. He organised an expedition to photoshoot pro surfers in the Lofoten Islands, Norway, in the middle of the winter. I know now I am not the only crazy one who felt in love with the beauty and the peace of icy landscapes and seas.

A big thumb’s up to the organisation of the Ocean Film Festival. I hope by showing to always more people the beauty of our world, especially of the ocean and what’s hiding underwater, we can raise awareness of how important it is to take care of our planet. Like Hanli is recommending in the movie Oceanminded, if everyone could take the simple step of stopping using plastic straws that would have a tremendous positive impact.

There are still dates available for the 2015 UK tour, including 4 dates in London on the 8th, 9th, 10th and 20th of October. The Ocean Film Festival was initiated last year in Australia and tours in Belgium, Hong Kong and New Zealand. The screening for Brussels in Belgium is on the 29th of October and more dates around Belgium before.

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Posted by Florine

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